
Archive for March 27th, 2010

Question Authority

When this bumber sticker started appearing on older Volvo’s and faded little Euro cars in the 70’s I was not quite up to speed with what this movement was all about, but lately I’ve been thinking about that little saying again, Question Aurthority, hummmmmm……..

When I read the newspaper every morning (yes, I still get my news in print form) all the news seems to point out everything that is going wrong in the world.  We all get caught up in the propaganda of the day and then go talk about it with our friends, coworkers and family – “Isn’t that terrible”; “there should be something done about that”; “they should be prosecuted for their bad behavior”; “we need to stamp that out that awful thing”; “we need to make a law against that”; “we need to protect ourselves from being hurt by eliminiting that”; etc.  (Egads!)  What about everything that is going right?  What happened to good news?  I think there should be a seperate section in the newspaper devoted to all that is right with the world – wouldn’t that be great?  Remember “Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty”?  What happened to that movement?  I say we bring it back.  I say we practice seeing and feeling the well-being that is all around us.  We can change how we feel by how we perceive what we see.  Start today and find something to focus on that feels good.  If we didn’t know what was going wrong with the world we would have more time to give our attention to what is going right, right? So my friends, today I “choose” to give my attention to the miracle of Spring.  I appreciate the intelligence of nature to bring forth leaves and blossoms where there we none a short time ago, the perfect rotation of the planets, the sweetness of the air,and the warmth of the sun.  I celebrate the fact that we get to be our own Authority because we get the freedom to see what we choose to see. 

All is well and so are you.

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God Bless the Moody Blues. When “On the Threshold of a Dream” came out in 1969 I was mesmerized by the words and the feelings the songs evoked in me.  These lyrics are timeless and thought provoking.

In the Beginning

[First Man:] I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.

[Establishment:] Of course you are my bright little star.  I’ve miles and miles of files, pretty little files of your forefather’s fruit, and now to suit our great computer, your magnetic ink.

[First Man:] I’m more than that, I know I am, at least, I think Imust be.

[Inner Man:]  There you go man, keep as cool as you can.

Face piles and piles of trials with smiles.

It riles them to believe that you perceive

the web they weave and keep on thinking  free.

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