
Archive for August, 2010

Gulp, I Confess….

Last week I was mean to someone in an effort of protecting myself  from something I perceived was going to hurt me.  The phrase, “Shoot first, ask questions later” comes to mind.  Why did I act this way?  Why Indeed……I won’t go into the boring details, but I may have some issues concerning men (ouch!).  The School of Life offers many courses for those of us who are willing to learn.  What did I learn last week in the class of Personal Growth and Relationships?  Well my friends, I learned I don’t know everything (no surprise there);  I learned it’s not in my best interest to come to quick conclusions(when you assume you make an “Ass” out of “U” and “Me”); I learned that it might behoove me to ask more questions; I learned that I have a lot more resistance to be released. 

I have not been on my best behavior lately.  Oh, it’s easy for me to be pleasant with people who make me feel good in their presence.  The trick is to do it with all the rest of the people who aren’t in that category.   I think that is what is known as Unconditional Love.  Now I know this stuff, or at least I thought I did.   I know everyone is offering the best they have at every moment and their best keeps changing.   I know we get to choose how we perceive the world.   It should be easy to remember these simple truths on a daily basis, right?

Yesterday was a better day though.  I felt some passion for my life starting to trickle in again.  I felt new ideas for my business starting to emerge.  Something is moving after a long period of being static.   Life is supposed to be good after all.  It’s time to practice new perceptions (the one’s that feel good) until they become habit.  It’s time to see the best in everyone who comes into my life.   Now, that feels soooooo much better.  So Be It!!

This quote came in my inbox when I needed it the most:

All the resources you will ever want or need are at your fingertips. All you have to do is identify what you want to do with it, and then practice the feeling-place of what it will feel like when that happens. There is nothing you cannot be or do or have. You are blessed Beings; you have come forth into this physical environment to create. There is nothing holding you back, other than your own contradictory thought. And your emotion tells you you’re doing that. Life is supposed to be fun—it is supposed to feel good! You are powerful Creators and right on schedule. Savor more; fix less. Laugh more; cry less. Anticipate positively more; anticipate negatively less. Nothing is more important than that you feel good. Just practice that and watch what happens. There is great love here for you. We are complete.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the workshop in North Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, March 22nd, 2003 #544

Click here to view a free 10-minute trailer from our new Introduction to Abraham DVD.

Our Love,
Jerry and Esther 

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Living in the Flow

Last Thursday I started running my bath, and then went into the next room to do a quick task and immediately got distracted trying to fix a printer that wouldn’t print.  Actually, to tell the truth, I didn’t even remember turning on the faucet but all I remember is the abject horror of seeing the water in the hallway and hearing the string of expletives escaping from my mouth.   The carpet has now been ripped up, padding discarded, furniture moved, and fans and humidifier’s have been running nonstop for 4 days.  When I walk down the hallway, the fans are so powerful, the blowing  compromises the integrity of my hairspray and blows my nightie up in a provocative way (think Marilyn Monroe) and neither my Mom nor I can hear each other speaking.   My Mom is a peach though, she didn’t get mad at me.  I, on the other hand, have managed to inflict a huge helping of punishment all by myself – I felt awful.  

 There have been a lot of water issues here at the house in the past few months.  It started with the fountains back in May (I Blogged about it May 12: Staying in the Flow).  Then the guys who replaced the fence, cut through the water lines and flooded us daily until we figured out the problem, and now this.  Going-with-the-flow suddenly takes on a whole new meaning.  What is going on here?  If we are creators, and Mom and I are co-creators, then this should be easy to figure out, right?.  I’m thinking there is some resistance going on here, hmmm???….Now it’s easy to see other’s resistance but seeing one’s own is a little trickier.  My Mom is 81 and as a single woman, she is frustrated with the upkeep of a home (Dad used to do these things).  In the past few weeks she has been threatening to sell the house and go move to an apartment so someone else can have the headaches of the repairs.   I teased her a couple of disaster’s ago that she must be asking for a man to come into her life because a lot of them keep showing up on her doorstep (she didn’t see the humor).    I, on the other hand, am frustrated as to what I’m going to do with my life.  I’m feeling like I’m suppose to be proactive about  getting a new stream of income so I can get my own place again.  I’m feeling a tad guilty about having all this time and not doing anything constructive for my future.  I’m feeling like I should be doing something different besides knitting with my friends.  Then I realize I was being silly.  Knitting saved my life!!!  I have been on the fast track to learning this craft.  I read books, magazines, blogs,  listen to Podcasts, influence friends and clients to the joys of knitting, and have several different knitting groups I get with on a weekly basis……I am definitely a Fiber Floozy.   This is my life and something good is coming to me because of this passion of mine.   Hey, I feel better already.

Sunday’s quote:

Make lists of positive aspects. Make lists of things you love—and never complain about anything. And as you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good as your excuse to give your attention and be who-you-are, you will tune to who-you-are, and the whole world will begin to transform before your eyes. It is not your job to transform the world for others—but it is your job to transform it for you. A state of appreciation is pure Connection to Source where there is no perception of lack.

— Abraham

Excerpted from the book “Money and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Health, Wealth and Happiness” #539

Well, my Mom is going to get new carpet, paint, and baseboard’s.  She recently said she was thinking about getting new carpet but didn’t want to move the heavy furniture.  Well it’s all moved for her now.  There is always something good coming to us even though when we are going through a crisis it doesn’t quite look that way.  The house is still in a state of disorder but the fans left this afternoon.  It’s quiet and we can run the air conditioning again – truly a blessing.  Little by little, we will get back on track.  Life goes on…….more to come.

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Well, I’ve lost a half an inch by just walking and cutting back on my portions (again, no scales).  It’s amazing how easy it is by simply focusing my mind on my goal.  I feel great and it’s amazing how much that little half  inch feels in my clothes.  I spent the weekend at the cabin and stayed true to my plan.  It was easy actually to just eat when I was hungry and not for recreation.  I went on a hike with my twin sister and we both were appreciative of our bodies ability to climb hills like we did when we were kids.   I love having a sister who understands the power of the mind and not get caught up in the limitations of the aging process.  We both understand other people’s experiences are just that, “other people’s experiences”.  We love knowing we create our own experiences.  I don’t have a lot to say right now but I’m focusing on what I want for “my experience” and right now “feeling good” is my only intent.  More to come……..

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